Color Name: Empower

Color Number: 1095

Due to variances in computer monitors, colors displayed may vary from actual paint colors. For best results, visit your Diamond Vogel Paint Store and refer to our color chips or samples.

Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 1095

LRV: 16

RGB: 175 70 66

Hex: #B15250

Color Schemes:

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Comfortable, Nurturing, and Optimistic – never have our homes been so important. Diamond Vogel’s 2021 Color Trend Palette offers inspiration found not just in nature but in our search and desire to stay healthy and strong as we dream of the day we can all be back together.
During these warm weather months, take time to discover inspiring color for your home, you may find it in the most unexpected places.
Every home tells a story. Walk through the front door and you quickly get a sense of the people that live inside. Sentimental pieces, hand-me-down furniture, artwork from the kids or grandkids and dishes in the sink all add up to ‘you’. The right color added to a home can help pull together these elements and set the stage for your home's unique tale.
With vacation season ending, and back to school around the corner, this month’s palette explores colors for educational environments.