Color Name: Moon Drop

Color Number: 0026

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Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0026

LRV: 67

RGB: 220 212 199

Hex: #DCD4C9

Color Schemes:

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Every day we are surrounded by color inspiration, from fashion to entertainment, colors are everywhere. The most spectacular of these are from Mother Nature, offering colors and combinations that are rich with every hue imaginable.
Color and design, especially for interiors has such a big impact on how we relate to our homes. This use of color supports the feel and attitude we want to create for our living spaces. Current color trends are driving the use of soft, muted color as a way to provide visual relief from a busy day.
Start with a blank canvas to gain confidence in your decorating skills and use your furniture and accessories to create your own perfect picture. This month’s palette of off- whites offers a diverse range of tinted color to begin your experiment.
Neutrals are the easiest palette to incorporate into a home, but how do you make them look fresh, not flat? We’ve brought together a range of honest whites and balanced them with calming blue tints and nuanced grays.
Despite the easing of lockdowns, those sunny beach holidays and planned vacations may remain very much postponed. To bring a little welcome optimism into your home, this month’s palette is inspired by the natural and bright outdoors.