Color Name: Earthly Pleasure

Color Number: 0102

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Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0102

LRV: 8

RGB: 104 65 62

Hex: #6D4543

Color Schemes:

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Color and design, especially for interiors has such a big impact on how we relate to our homes. This use of color supports the feel and attitude we want to create for our living spaces. Current color trends are driving the use of soft, muted color as a way to provide visual relief from a busy day.
Modern simplicity showcases much of today’s design style. As we turn to 2016, themes of creating restful havens within our home continue to take focus. Stepping away from computers, phones and embracing downtime helps us towards this goal. Design elements taken from nature are a perfect partner in the quest for modern stylings.
Forecasted color trends for 2017 include everything from warm, inviting tones to icy hues. Here are some color stories we’ll likely see emerging for interiors and exteriors.
It’s that most wonderful time of the year. The family is heading home for the holidays; and even though it is cold outside, the power of color can enhance the welcoming warmth of your home.