Color Name: Hippolita

Color Number: 0386

Due to variances in computer monitors, colors displayed may vary from actual paint colors. For best results, visit your Diamond Vogel Paint Store and refer to our color chips or samples.

Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 0386

LRV: 56

RGB: 206 194 146

Hex: #D1C698

Color Schemes:

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For me, springtime brings to mind grass turning green, yellow daffodils, tulips blooming and the fragrance of lilacs. The return of warm weather also means the return of color to our world. After a long winter, we crave color and look for ways to incorporate it into our living spaces.
Summer is the perfect time to slip off your shoes, slow down and reconnect. Time with family and friends allows sharing of experiences, humor and memories of the past. This time can offer perspective and make you see and think in different ways.
Our 2020 Trend Palettes provide subtle yet lively and distinct measures of inspiration along our daily paths. It could be memories of a cherished piece, soft shades that offer a respite at the end of the day, or vibrant tones to inspire and motivate us to move beyond hesitation and obstacles.