Color Name: Bay Coral

Color Number: 1087

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Color Search Results

Color Information:

Number: 1087

LRV: 35

RGB: 233 124 121

Hex: #E98380

Color Schemes:

Similar Colors:


Modern simplicity showcases much of today’s design style. As we turn to 2016, themes of creating restful havens within our home continue to take focus. Stepping away from computers, phones and embracing downtime helps us towards this goal. Design elements taken from nature are a perfect partner in the quest for modern stylings.
Diamond Vogel's 2023 Trend Report, ‘Momentum to New Beginnings’ provides twenty colors in four trend palettes that provide inspiration for both interior and exterior spaces. We look to the coming year with optimism as we pursue our own authentic style.

Pantone has chosen Living Coral - a vibrant hue

This month, we’re inspired by breezy days at the coast.