Verifying the Correct Installation of the Drywall
- Check for dimples, craters, and cracks, and fill as needed with joint compound.
- Make sure cemented joints are sanded even and flush; determine by viewing at a low angle with good illumination.
- Final sanding with fine grit sand paper or screen will help ensure a smooth appearance if applying a product with a sheen of eggshell or higher.
Finishing the Drywall Surface
- Prior to texturing the surface, apply a coat of Diamond Vogel Posi-Prime Pro Interior Latex Primer. Using Posi-Prime insures uniform porosity and a consistent final finish.
- Apply a coat of the desired texture, being careful to be sure it is applied to a uniform look. Uneven texture can many times give an uneven appearance of the final finish.
- A second coat of primer is recommended over the texture to ensure the surface is fully sealed.
- Finish the drywall surface with a quality latex finish. Diamond Vogel has a complete line of interior finishes designed for different levels of performance requirements.
Applying the Paint Coatings
When rolling both the primer and finish, a quality synthetic roller cover will help apply the coatings at a higher film thickness and more evenly that an economy roller.
- Keep the roller strokes as near as vertical as possible, and avoid applying a lot of pressure.
- Keep the roller full of paint; when you notice a crackling sound when rolling, more paint is needed on the cover.
Apply one coat by spraying and a second coat by roller, or apply two coats by spray and immediately back roll the second coat.
- Rolling (or back rolling) the final coat will provide a more forgiving surface with respect to uniformity of appearance in the event there is unevenness in the surface being painted.
- Allow the first coat to dry adequately before applying the second coat to avoid blistering and roller “picking.”
- The rolled surface will touch-up less noticeably.
For further information on finishing drywall, contact your Diamond Vogel representative.