Painting Aluminum Siding


As time has shown, the coating that is/was on aluminum siding is not indestructible. It does erode, chalk, and fade. And in extreme cases, the metal itself can be exposed and then oxidize. If your home is suffering from this fate, Diamond Vogel has the solution. By adding a fresh coat of top quality latex paint, you can add years of brilliance to your home.

Surface Preparation

As with most exterior painting projects, proper surface preparation is the key to restoring your aluminum siding. Begin by thoroughly cleaning your siding of all loose dirt, chalk, and other contaminants. Cleaning of the surface can be done by hand washing with warm, soapy water or with the use of a high pressure washer (2500 psi minimum). Pay close attention to the chalk that may be on the surface. Chances are that the original coating on the siding had chalked quite badly. Test for chalk by rubbing your hand on the siding, checking for a transfer of chalk onto your hand. Chalk must be completely removed prior to painting. The use of a household detergent or a pre-paint cleaner will aid in the cleaning process. Be sure to rinse the surface thoroughly after using any cleaning agents.

Coating Selection for Aluminum Siding

If after the preparation process there is a presence of the bare aluminum, prime first with a coat of Diamond Vogel’s Vers-Acryl 300 Acrylic DTM Primer. Apply two coats of a acrylic paint such as Diamond Vogel’s Palisade Ultra Premium Exterior Acrylic Latex, Durango Acrylic Latex Exterior Finish, or EverCryl Exterior Acrylic Latex Finish. Coating may be applied by brush, roller, or spray with spraying giving you the smoothest factory like finish. The use of a flat finish will help reduce the magnification of any surface imperfections such as dents.

For further information on painting aluminum siding, contact your Diamond Vogel representative.

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